What is meant by having an online presence?

An online presence is any existence of an individual or business that can be found via an online search. An example of an individual who is not active on the Internet but who has a online presence is one who is a member of an association that has a member directory listing online.
A Website is a collection of Web files on a particular subject that includes a beginning file called a home page . For example, most companies, organizations, or individuals that have Web sites have a single address that they give you. This is their home page address.
With a website, YOUR BUSINESS WILL GAIN CREDIBILITY. Today, more and more consumers use the internet to search for the products or services they need. Your small business will gain credibility by having a website. Without one, potential customers will go to your competitors that do.
A website is your most powerful tool for communication. A website is a unique way to connect with the world. Whether you choose to create a website to share your passion for music, inform people of your business, sell products, or any other reason—there are no boundaries to what you can do!